Keeping up with the ministry of Lee & Dana Trotter in the Prescott neighborhood in urban Kansas City, Kansas.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Sorry, wrong address. Duh.

Oops!  Not a good way to start a new ministry.  I used the wrong address on my support return envelopes. The correct address is:

Lee & Dana Trotter
Prescott Community Outreach
c/o Desperation Church
Box 259
Liberty, MO 64069

If you sent your support to the other address, it should be returned to you. You can either resend it or I will be sending out new envelopes with our August newsletter in the next week or so.

Sorry for the inconvenience.  I suspect there will be more surprises in store for us over the next few months.



Monday, July 26, 2010


Got done with camp Saturday at noon and moved a load of stuff to the house and worked on installing a new breaker box.  Spent Sunday morning packing up some stuff and then enjoyed the Wizards vs. Manchester United game with the whole family (w/o Jeremy who was moving, bummer).

 I ran across a lot of old pictures when I was packing and had to take the time to look through them.  We've never been real good about taking pictures and not real good at organizing the ones we have.  I was overwhelmed by how blessed we have been over the years.  I am glad for every moment of my life, although some were hard as hell to get through.  God has been watching over us and I'm so thankful to Him for everything!

Now back to the task at hand.  It's week 8 at camp.  Only 3 more to go.  I suppose every spare moment in the evenings will be packing and getting all my dead vehicles running.  Then Sat and Sun will be back at the house.  My goal is to get the utilities on before we move.

Thanks for your prayers.  Stop by the house this weekend and bring your gloves and tools!  (or just stop by)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Letter From Pastor Michael.

This is an encouraging letter from Pastor Michael from Desperation Church.  His support, friendship, and passion for us and our mission is a huge encouragement to us.  Thanks Michael!

To whom it may concern:
Lee Trotter and his wife Dana have been attending Desperation Church with their children for over 5 years. They have been an invaluable asset to both this church and to me and my family, personally. I first became acquainted with Lee in the mid-90's, and got to know him very well around 2006. He has been a close partner in the Lord since that time. He and his wife are marked with a spirit of love, commitment, and integrity. Lee Trotter has a strong desire to glorify Jesus by authentically and practically living out the Gospel Message amongst those who are often overlooked.
Our church continues to greatly benefit from his ministry and involvement in multiple areas, such as our missions programs and our youth ministries. I have always found Lee to be sacrificial, loving, and an extremely relevant speaker. He has the skill of making the Message of Jesus Christ simple to understand for those of any age. Because of his deep passion for others, Lee is a very effective communicator. One cannot help but be inspired by his contagious compassion, zeal, and enthusiasm.
Lee Trotter is one of those people that make you want to be a better person, to follow harder after Jesus, and to be less selfish. His life is a message in and of itself. I can recommend him to you as deserving of your financial support or as a minister/speaker without hesitation and without reservation.
If I can be of any further assistance please don't hesitate to call my office.

Michael Craft Lead Pastor

Desperation Church
940 S. Kent Street
Liberty, MO 64068
Office: (816) 792-8335
Fax: (816) 792-9815

Monday, July 19, 2010


Our plan is this:

August 16-21  Get our house ready
                         -(at least the part we are moving into) 
                        Pack up our stuff here at the camp.

August 22       Moving Day (in conjunction with DC WOW)

August 23-31  Final moving and cleaning house at camp.

In order for this to happen, we need to get our water and electricity repaired so we can get them turned on, install a garage door, and hopefully get a fence built in the back yard.

If you can help with any of this,  let us know.  We would really appreciate it  :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

And so it begins....

A group of Youthworks missionaries from Minnesota and Colorado started blitzing our house this week.  They pretty much gutted the main floor.  This is a huge blessing as we start restoring.  We are hanging out with the groups this evening and hope to help host Youthworks groups in the future.  Great things are happening and we haven't even been able to move in yet!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July Newsletter: introducing Prescott Community Outreach!

Here is our July Newsletter.  I've tried to explain all of the changes.  I will be sending these out soon to introduce our new mission and ministry.  Thanks!

Monday, July 5, 2010

I can't explain

We just got back from the Cornerstone Festival.  Awesome music, seminars, camping, weather, friends... When I'm asked about the festival, I really can't explain.  It totally wears me out, but is so spiritually refreshing at the same time.  I am hungover from the week, but am energized to live for God.  I love it.

Now to this week's tasks.  We close on our house on Wednesday morning.  Then this next week, I have a Youthworks mission group that will begin the work on the house.  They will be mostly tearing down the panelling and bad plaster on the walls.

If you'd like to see the house, we plan to be there Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday.

Be the Change.