Keeping up with the ministry of Lee & Dana Trotter in the Prescott neighborhood in urban Kansas City, Kansas.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Work Days!

2 things...

I am having work days on Dec 1st & Dec 8th from 10:00 - 1:00 

to work on the after-school center. This week we are painting the hang-out room as well as continuing to de-junk and clean.  We'd love to have you join us.

Help me pick a name for the center

Here are some ideas we are kicking around:

-Center de Paz
-Prescott Neighborhood Center
-Prescott Family Center
-Prescott Youth Center
-Youth Center de Paz
-Dream Central  
-Dream House 
-Casa de Dreams  
-Prescott Hangout
-Casa de Prescott

Like or no?  Any other ideas?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Busy Day

Yesterday was a busy day.....

Started with a meeting with Ben Alexander, Josh Hoffman and our city commissioner, Brian McKiernan.  We discussed what we can do to provide better trails and spaces for kids to ride bikes in KCK.  Next Mark volunteered to paint the ceilings in the After School building. 

 Then off to the northland to pick up some donated bicycles.

  Just started my to do list and had to switch to work on Jesse's truck.  After that we had our Thanksgiving Dinner for youth.  We were blown away when over 50 showed up!  We had a great time and there was plenty of food and we met a lot more neighborhood youth!

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

We presented the plan for the after-school center at our neighborhood church yesterday. Everyone was excited and willing to get behind the project and ministry!  They see it as a huge need and opportunity to love our neighbors. 

 I would love to have you be involved in this project anyway you can. Here is a link to the overall plan. Please look it over. Dana and I are excited about this opportunity to serve and minister to our community! 

Prescott After-School Center Plan 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Here is our November Newsletter!  Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

Be the Change.