Keeping up with the ministry of Lee & Dana Trotter in the Prescott neighborhood in urban Kansas City, Kansas.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

After a two day battle with computers and printers, I have won the monthly newsletter battle.  Here it is:

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Last night, after getting home from a great service at Desperation Church, I was walking down to El Torito for our ritual of Saturday Night Tacos.  I was met by one teenager who has dropped off a piece of cake at my front door.  I was wondering how it got there.  She brought the cake as a thank you for being there at La Paz House every day.  Then another kid and his grandma came up to tell me their encounter with a neighbor who tends to be a bully. The bully gave this kid a bloody nose by kicking a soccer ball at him.  I got to El Torito and order my tacos and chat with the cooks.  I get home and the kids at the birthday party are yelling "Hey Lee" from the rented Bouncy House.

Slowly, I beleive we are making a difference in this neighborhood!

Be the Change.