September 2017
I have often told you about our doorbell. It rings often with neighborhood kids needing their bikes
fixed. We spend time patching tires, adjusting brakes, and replacing broken or bent parts. Dana
usually has a Popsicle or cold water for them as we hang out and talk. I get about 2 visits per
day; some days more.
Those are the easy visits. I get a lot of other visits from neighbors on a fairly regular visit. They
always want or need something. Some are looking for work. Some are asking for a “loan”,
although I've never gotten paid back. My policy is if you don't pay me back, I consider it a onetime
gift and they will not get any more. Some need me to fix something on their car or at their
house. Some of them need a ride to work, hospital, sister's house or where ever. I usually am
able to drop what I'm doing and help them.
One man Billy, showed up at church one morning. He was still high on meth. After church I
drove him around to find him some help. After talking with him, I learned he was on parole,
couldn't leave the county, could not be out on street, and could not stay in any of the shelters
because he is a registered sex offender. I helped him that day, the next day got him into the
hospital, and then got him into a rehab program in Salina. I bought him a bus ticket and sent him
to Salina. He showed up a month later after not finishing the treatment program. I again helped
him get food and clothes. He had a place to stay and was doing all right. A number of months
went by after he ended up back in jail and won a few dollars at the casino and spent it on drugs.
He was in trouble with parole and had nowhere to turn. He showed up on my front porch again.
But this time he was different. He was clean and talked clearly. We had a long talk about
putting his faith in God, is his responsibility in getting better, and how to get clean and rebuild his
life. I spent the day getting him a new state id, some food and toiletries, getting a tv going where
he was staying and getting him into a drug treatment program. By now, I was not sure that he
would follow up or give up again but I have a hard time giving up on people. Pray for Billy.
I have
not seen him and am not sure where he is or if he is following up on his new faith in God.
Thank you for praying for us and supporting our ministry here. It is often frustrating and hard to
measure if we are making a difference, but I believe we are! We appreciate you all!
We love you,
Lee & Dana
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