Keeping up with the ministry of Lee & Dana Trotter in the Prescott neighborhood in urban Kansas City, Kansas.

Friday, January 11, 2019

January News!

            Lee and Dana Trotter
      Prescott Community Outreach
                January 2019

Happy New Year! We had a good break over the holidays; hanging out with our family, working on cars and some house projects, and recovering from the stomach flu. Now we are back at hanging out with neighborhood kids and making plans for the spring.

Dana and I have been involved with the church's monthly food basket give away. Starting next month, we are taking over the lead of this program. Last month, we had over 50 people come to receive food baskets for their families, so we are excited to take this over and make some changes to accommodate the growing need in our community.

First, we are moving the food basket area to be a part of La Paz House. This will give us more room, be on the ground level, integrate with our current La Paz outreach, and help us get ready for the church kitchen re-modeling project. 
Second, once we get this up and running, we will be moving the food basket day to Saturday. This will require us to recruit and schedule volunteers better. If you are interested in helping, let us know.
Third, after this transition, we will need more donation partners, program funders, and any other ideas for expansion to this ministry.
Here is what has to happen:
    -Clean out upstairs room and move bike shop upstairs. 
    -Sorting some supplies, bicycles and parts.
    -Install a new door, cabinets, and build shelving and paint the new room.
    -Move a freezer and clean out current food basket pantry.
    -Add some signs, refrigerators, and ???

This is a fairly big project and we want to get it done by Feb 14. We are scheduling workdays and volunteers to make this happen. We hope to be able to expand this ministry to our community, get more people involved, and add health training and ministry components after we get things up and running.
Thank you for your support and prayers. Thank you for trusting us to try to make a difference and share the love of Jesus with our neighbors. We are excited for what this year could bring!

            We love you,

         Lee & Dana

Support gifts and donations should be made out to “National Christian Foundation” and are fully tax deductible. We receive 99% of the funds you donate.   Please designate “Prescott Community Outreach Fund #935502” on the memo line. Use the enclosed envelope or send to:
 Prescott Community Outreach Fund #935502 c/o National Christian Foundation, 11625 Rainwater Drive, Suite 500,  Alpharetta, GA 30009

Be the Change.