Keeping up with the ministry of Lee & Dana Trotter in the Prescott neighborhood in urban Kansas City, Kansas.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Stepped on a nail.

Stepping on a nail is something I do quite often.  I suppose I could wear shoes when I work.  Some people never learn.  The reason there are nails in my yard is we are getting our house re-roofed.  The guys doing it keep having to do more work, which equates to more money.  There were 6 layers of shingles on this house.  Since the house is 87 years old and had 6 layers, they never took any of the old layers off.  The decking is the original 2 x 8's which are still good.

The guy I hired to do it is a dad of a couple of kids from the church here who have also been a part of my soccer programs.  Juan's wife recently left and became pregnant with another man.  Not cool.  Juan is having to get a lawyer to get custody of his boys, Juan PhillipĂ© and Angel.

Juan is doing a great job on my roof.  He is not a licensed roofer or insured.  That makes it harder to find work.  Pray for Juan and spread the word if you know anyone who has to pay cash for a roof and wants to pay about half of most estimates.  Pray that he is successful in getting custody of the boys.


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